Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines

Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines

Nasolabial Lines

The lines that appear from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth are called nasolabial lines. They develop because of ageing, loss of fat volume and repetitive smiling which makes the skin creases appear deeper. A mid-thickness hyaluronic acid filler (Juvederm or Stylage) is used to restore the volume loss within this region and soften the skin creases. A local anaesthetic is included within the filler and a strong anaesthetic cream is applied prior to the treatment to minimise any pain. This treatment is often successfully combined with cheek fillers and marionette line filler to give you a refreshed looking ‘face lift’. Treatment takes 20 minutes to perform and lasts on average for 9 months.

Treatment Overview


Filler pre-mixed with LA and topical LA

No downtime

Can return to work to immediately

On Set of Results


Procedure Time

20-30 minutes

Duration of Results

9 months average

Risks and Complications

Mild bruising, swelling, asymmetry

Marionette Lines

Marionette lines run from the corner of your mouth to your chin and give you the appearance of a ‘sad’ looking face. They also form through the process of ageing, loss of fat volume, smoking and exercising. Similarly to treating nasolabial lines, a mid-thickness hyaluronic acid filler (Juvederm or Stylage) is used to restore the volume loss within this region, helping you regain your confidence to smile. A local anaesthetic is included within the filler and a strong prescription anaesthetic cream is applied prior to the treatment to minimise any pain. Treatment takes 20 minutes to perform and lasts on average for 9 months.


Nasolabial Folds and Marionette lines


1ml £350
2ml £650


Marionette lines are the lines that run from the corners of the mouth to the jawline, and are problematic as they can give a ‘sad’ appearance .We use hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers, combined with local anaesthetic to treat the marionette lines.

There are a number of factors that can affect getting marionette lines; age, lifestyle and genetics all play a part. As early as 30 some patients will start to notice fine lines that run from the corner of the mouth to the jawline which can give the appearance of looking sad, upset and tired. As we get older they will deepen and may become more problematic, affecting the support to the lips, chin and jowls. In patients 40-50 they may already have moderate to deep lines in which case our doctors will advise a suitable amount of dermal filler required to get the desired results. Patients in their 50’s and above are usually great candidates for marionette treatment and this would form a integral component of our our full face structural rejuvenation package.

To prevent them, have good habits including avoiding sun exposure, maintaining  a healthy diet and having a good skincare regime.  Starting an injectable dermal filler sooner rather than later, means smaller quantities can be used, a better result achieved and combined with anti-wrinkle treatment for down-turned mouth the onset and progression can be minimised.

Nasolabial lines (commonly known as smile lines) are the deep creases that run from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth. We use high quality hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers combined with local anaesthetic to treat this area.

If you have lines that are becoming deeper between the corners of the nose and the corner of the mouth then it is likely you may need nasolabial filler.

In patients over 30 we commonly combine this treatment with cheek filler.  When we lose volume from our cheeks the mid-face loses support and nasolabial lines can appear. Patients in their 50’s and above would be great candidates for nasolabial treatment and will form a integral component of our full face structural rejuvenation package.

Yes, these treatments compliment each other very well and are usually carried out by our doctors on the same visit. We usually find that treating both areas together can lead to a refreshed appearance and have a smooth transition between the mid and lower face. These treatments can be carried out together or as part of a full face structural rejuvenation treatment.

Yes, it is perfectly fine to have anti-wrinkle (botox) at the same time.

If you’re having marionette lines treated, you can also have botox (anti-wrinkle treatment) administered into the muscle that pulls down the corners of the mouth called the depressor anguli oris (DAO). Relaxing this muscle will lift the corner of your mouth and reduce the ‘sad look’ making the effects of your marionette line treatment even better.

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